Hello and welcome 🙂
In this blog post I am going to teach you how to use getresponse in 2022
Click here to sign up for a free 30 day trial with getresponse
What is getresponse?
Getresponse is an email marketing service
And you need to use a email marketing service if you want to have a email list
Which is something that I recommend having because there is lot of money and marketing potential by having your own email list
And you also need to use a really good email marketing service if you want to get more people on your email list
And just be more effective in email marketing overall
Getresponse is one of the most popular email marketing services out there right now
And it is for a good reason
It is an amazing email marketing service
And easy to use which is why it will be easy to follow me through this tutorial
But I guess there is one bad thing about it that pops up in my head
Some email marketing services offer a free account until you have 100-500 people on your email list
But getresponse has a 30 day free trial instead
But it is still a good offer because realistically you should not need more then 30 days to learn how to use it
And to find out whether you like it or not
Click here to sign up for a free trial at getresponse
How to create a sign up form in getresponse

If you don’t know what a sign up form is there is still a good chance that you have seen it before
It’s basically somewhere where people can enter their email address to subscribe to your email list
But people don’t give you their email address for no reason
Maybe they want to be a part of your mailing list and be updated when you post a new blog post or when you are having a sale etc.
Or maybe they will get 10-15% discount if they enter their email address
Or they might get something for free instead like a free e-book
That is basically what sign up forms are
And I am going to show you how to create one in getresponse
And the good things is that it is actually very easy to create a signup form with getresponse
A lot of email marketing services are pretty difficult to use and I gave up on them before I could even finish a sign up form with them
That does not mean that I would not eventually find out how to make sign up form with that email marketing service
It’s just not worth it for me it annoys me and bores me
This is why I prefer using email marketing service that are easy to use
And it is exactly why I am using getresponse
And I really think that you will like it as well
The first step is to be on the homepage
And if you have not already created your free account then just click here
And there are 2 ways to do this

You can either go on the top left side on your screen and click on tools
And then click on forms
Or you can just click on the create form button on your left
I am not sure if it will pop up on your homepage which is why included both options
Make sure that you select
And now we are going to click on the list builder wizard
And scroll through these templates until we find something that we like
And we have a ton of high quality templates that we can use
I am just going to use this one

But you don’t have to choose the same one
You can choose whatever template that you like
Just click on the choose template button when you want to select something
And now we are going to edit our sign up form
Editing in Getresponse is simple
You can just click on something and start editing it
So basically if you want to edit anything in your template
Just click on it and start editing
If you don’t like the text just click on the text and start typing your own
If you don’t like the color of the button just click on the button and change the color
And if you want to add more stuff to your sign up form then just go to the right side of the screen and start dragging things
And if you think that your sign up form is too small or bog then you can drag it to whatever size you like
It is that simple
So there is nothing left for me to explain when it comes to editing in getresponse
This is how my sign up form looks like to give you an example

And once you have finished editing your sign up form and you are ready to publish it
Then you are ready for the next step
Step 2 How to post your sign up form on wordpress

Now since your sign up form is ready and looking good I am going to show you how to publish it on your wordpress website
You just go to the top right corner and click on the publish button

And now you need to copy the javascript code
And now we are going to go to our wordpress website
I am going to show you how to put your sign form on a blog post
So just go to whatever blog post you like and scroll all the way down
And then just paste your code and update your blog post
You don’t have to scroll all the way down you can paste it wherever you like

And now our sign up form should be live
Thanks for reading
Thanks for taking your time to read this blog post I hope that you found this blog post useful
And that you have created your very own sign up form and you have published it on your wordpress website
If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment and I will try my best to response as fast as i can
Click here to sign up for a free 30 day trial at getresponse