Hello and welcome 🙂
In this blog post, I am going to teach you how to start a blog and make money
We will be using Bluehost for this tutorial
Of course, I can not promise you that you are 110% going to make money with your blog
Because I am not a scam artist and I am not promoting get-rich-quick schemes
But I am going to share some different methods that you can use to potentially make money with your blog
These methods are something that I and other successful bloggers use
Earning money from your blog will probably take you a lot of time
So if you clicked on this blog post hoping that I would give you some secret that would make you rich in 5 minutes
Then you can just stop reading this blog post and leave and keep on living in your false sense of reality
But if you are someone that is willing to work hard and someone who will not give up
Until you finally start earning money from your blog
Then I hope that you will keep reading this blog post
Blogging and earning money is different for everyone
Some people start earning 500$ or more from their blog after 1 month
And some people will maybe make 100$ after 6 months
But if you never take a risk and start your own blog I can guarantee that you will make 0$
I just want to keep it real with you
And make it clear that I am not promoting any scams or lies
Step 1: Sign up with a self web hosting service
In this blog post/tutorial/step-by-step guide I am going to show you how to create a WordPress website with Bluehost
I truly believe that Bluehost is the best option for beginners
I have created a lot of websites with Bluehost and I highly recommend using it
Their plans are really cheap and their cheapest plan is only 2.95$ a month
And you will get a free domain from that plan as well
A Domain is basically the name for your website and it usually costs 15$ a year
Their cheap plans are perfect for beginners that are hesitant about starting their own blog
Let’s say that you somehow fail miserably and you start to hate blogging
The worst thing that could happen is that you lose 2.95$
Which is absolutely nothing just skip your Starbucks coffee for 1 day
But if you are not a fan of Bluehost
Then here are other self web hosting services that you can use
And yes you do need to spend money to have a blog
You are reading this blog post because you want to earn money from your own blog
Well that will never happen if you have a free blog
Believe me I would have a free high quality website if i could
Your website will not be fast
Your website will not be as fast as a Bluehost or other self web hosted websites because you are using a free plan
Which means that most people that will click on your website will leave before your website even fully loads
Because people have incredibly low attention spans in 2022
Your website will not be secure which means that your website will not be trustworthy
I highly doubt that you will be able to create a free website that will be as secure as a website from Bluehost or from other self web hosting services
And if you don’t have a secure website then that means it will be easier for hackers to attack your website
And your website will probably crash more often
You will have a weird website name
Because you want to have everything for free you will not be able to pay 15$ a year for a domain
Or get a free domain through the 2.95$ a month plan from Bluehost
This means that your website will have a weird name like
Which looks unprofessional and just weird
So yes spending money to have a blog is necessary
Unless you want to have a complete garbage website that will never make any money
And it is dirt cheap anyways
Click here to sign up for Bluehost
Step 2 pick a domain name

Here you will select a name for your website aka a domain
You can skip this step and create a domain later
But if you want to do it now which is probably the best choice
I recommend choosing something that is simple and easy to remember
And try your best to keep it as short as possible
Don’t have any numbers or symbols on it
And always choose a .com
Don’t worry too much about this step
But it is pretty nice to have a good website name
Step 3 create your account

Now it is time to create your Bluehost account
And enter your billing information and all that boring stuff etc.
I am pretty sure that you have created an account online before and this is no different from anywhere else online
So i think my guidance will not be needed here
Just make sure that you have a password that you won’t forget 🙂
Step 4 Install/log in wordpress

WordPress is used by 36% of all the websites on the internet
And it is what we will be using for this tutorial
Now it is time to log into WordPress and install it
This installation will not take a long time it will be super smooth and done before you know it
We want to install WordPress so we can use it customize our website and install plugins that will help our website perform better
Bluehost will first take us through a quick survey to help you set up your website
This survey is not super important though so don’t spend too much time with your answers
After you finish your survey you will get a screen that will look like this
And all you will need to do is click on the log into WordPress button

Step 5 choose your theme

If you have already selected a theme through the quick survey that bluehost gave you earlier
Then that’s great and you can just skip this step
But there are 2 ways to find themes for a wordpress website
You can use google and just type WordPress themes and see what you can find
Or you can find WordPress themes in the WordPress admin dashboard
You have to pay for some WordPress themes and sometimes it is worth it
Because a good theme can make your website look professional and trustworthy
But that does not mean that there are some good free WordPress themes out there
Let me show you how you can find WordPress themes in the admin dashboard
Just click on appearance
Click on themes
Click on the add new button

And then hopefully you will find a theme that you will like
And when you find it just click on install and then wait and click on activate
And then you can click on the customize button to customize your homepage
And you are not going to mess your entire website up if you install a theme that you don’t like
You can always change it
Step 6 must have plugins

Okay now that we have installed our theme and we like the way our website looks
It is time to install some useful plugins that will make our website better
There is a good chance that you already have these plugins installed automatically
But if you don’t then i highly recommend installing these plugins
Yoast seo
This is the best wordpress plugin for google seo
And seo stands for search engine optimization
Which means that this plugin will help you make your website well optimized for the google search engine
Which means that there will be a higher chance that your website will pop up in the number 1 page on the search results
Which is something that you definitely want
Because then people will come to your website for free
And you don’t want your website to be on page 964 on google
Because think about it
When was the last time you even went on page 2 when you were searching for something on google?
This is why you definitely need this plugin
Because it will tell you if your blog post is good or not for google seo
And it will also allow you to make some edits for google seo
This wordpress plugin will help you connect your website with google analytics
In the most easy way possible
I will probably make a tutorial about it in the future
But the reason why you want to connect your website with google analytics
Is because then you will know how many people are visiting your website daily,monthly,etc.
And you will also know how long they are staying on your website and what pages they are visiting the most
And you will basically get a ton of useful information from google analytics
Money making method #1 affiliate marketing

Now that you finally have your own blog
It is time to try to earn some money from it
The first way to earn money from your blog that I am going to talk about is affiliate marketing
Because affiliate marketing is kind of my favorite way to earn money from blogs
If you want a deeper explanation of affiliate marketing then you can check out this blog post
But this picture actually explains affiliate marketing pretty well
Let me make an example to explain this better
I join an affiliate program like amazon’s affiliate program
I will get my own specific unique affiliate links so that I can promote products from amazon
I promote a 1000$ TV from amazon
Someone buys that 1000$ TV because of my promotion/advertising
And i will earn a percentage of that 1000$
And amazon keeps track of my sales through the specific unique affiliate link they gave me
That’s pretty much affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is my favorite way to monetize my blog
And if you truly want to become a master of affiliate marketing i recommend checking out this course
Money making method #2 Google ads

If you have enough visitors/readers on your blog
Usually somewhere between the 10,000 people a month range
You can get accepted into these google ads programs
There are a couple of them out there and they pay differently
But if you can get accepted into one of these programs
You can put google advertisements on your website
You have probably seen ads like these before
And whenever someone clicks on them you will earn money from it
Which is a pretty easy way to earn money
Of course the hard part is getting enough people on your website
Money making method #3 digital products

You can make your own products and sell them on your blog
Digital products can be a lot of different things
It can be an online course
Webinars and tons of other stuff
Thanks for reading 🙂
Thanks for taking your time to read this blog post
I hope that you were able to start your own blog and you have some strategies to hopefully earn some money from it
If you are stuck on something in this blog post and need some help just leave a comment and i will try my best to respond asap
I hope that you will have a good day 🙂