Hello and welcome 🙂
In this blog post, I am going to teach you how to start with affiliate marketing
And I am also going to be explaining exactly what affiliate marketing is
Because this blog post is meant to be beginner friendly
And if there are people reading this that have no idea what affiliate marketing is
They will know what it is after they finish reading this blog post
And they will also be ready to start affiliate marketing on their own
And hopefully, start earning a good amount of money from it
If that sounds like a good idea then let’s continue with this blog post
What is affiliate marketing?

This picture explains affiliate marketing really well
Affiliate marketing is pretty simple
Let me make an example
I join an affiliate program let’s just say amazon’s affiliate program
I get my own specific unique affiliate links to promote products from amazon
I promote a 1000$ laptop from amazon
Someone buys that 1000$ laptop because of my promotion/advertising
And I will earn a percentage of that 1000$
And they track my sales through the specific unique affiliate link they gave me
That’s pretty much affiliate marketing
Of course, if you are planning on becoming successful at affiliate marketing
Then you need to learn a lot more about affiliate marketing
Because you will never earn money from pasting your 1000$ laptop link everywhere and anywhere
If that would work then literally everyone would be mega billionaires from abusing the affiliate marketing system
So yes affiliate marketing is a really simple way to make money online
But it’s not going to make you millions of dollars without you having to put the work in
How to join affiliate marketing programs

Joining affiliate programs is quite easy
And you would be surprised at how many of your favorite companies have an affiliate marketing program
Even Amazon has an affiliate marketing program
Maybe I will make a list of the best affiliate marketing programs to join for beginners in the future
Even though joining an affiliate program is easy there is one thing that you need to have
And that is either a blog or a social media account
If you want to start a blog then click here
The reason why you need either a blog or a social media account
Is to show the affiliate marketing programs how you are planning on promoting their product/service
If you don’t have a social media account or a blog
Then no one on the internet will even know that you exist
So how would people buy things from your affiliate link?
And why would affiliate marketing programs accept you if you have no way to promote their products?
This is why you need a blog or a social media account
Creating your own blog is easy and your social media account does not have to be anything super fancy
It can be something really simple
Like a facebook page,instagram page,pinterest or a youtube channel
And when you want to find affiliate marketing programs
Then google is your best friend
Just try searching for your favorite company and add affiliate marketing program next to it
And find out if your favorite company has an affiliate marketing program
Don’t do this

Before I go over how you can promote your affiliate product
I want to talk about things that you should avoid doing in affiliate marketing
Don’t promote everything just for the money
If there is an affiliate product that costs 100$ and it will give you 70$ for each sale
But the affiliate product is complete garbage
Then you should not promote that product
Because let’s say that you do make a couple of sales from this affiliate product and you end up with some money in the bank
But all of the people that bought this product through your affiliate link are extremely unhappy
And they wish they never knew that this product existed and they start to hate you
And maybe they will start being really vocal about their hatred towards you
And your reputation will end up being destroyed and you will become someone that no one will trust
Which is not a good long-term strategy for success
I know this a random example but it is still very likely to happen if you promote pure garbage
Of course, having haters when you are successful is inevitable
But this time they have a legitimate reason to actually hate you
Personally I only promote affiliate products that i use
Or that I at least 110% believe and know for a fact is a good product/service
And I would highly recommend that you would do the same
Don’t spam your affiliate link everywhere
I mentioned this earlier in this blog post
But you need to have actual strategies when you are promoting your affiliate products
You can’t just spam your links randomly on the internet and hope that someone will buy something from your link which is extremely unlikely to happen
If I was wrong and you all needed to do was just spam your affiliate links somewhere
Then everyone would be millionaires through the affiliate marketing system
But that is not the case so please use your brain when you are promoting your affiliate product
How to promote your affiliate product

Okay so now that you have joined an affiliate marketing program
You can finally start promoting affiliate products
Promoting affiliate products can be as simple as making a youtube review video about that affiliate product
Or a blog post review about your affiliate product
If your product/service is difficult to use then you can make a tutorial about how to use your affiliate product
Maybe it is a really complex camera that most people don’t know how to use
Reviews and tutorials seem to be the most effective and popular way to promote affiliate products
But i am not going to go too deep into affiliate marketing strategies in this blog post
But if people want to learn more about affiliate marketing strategies then I can make a blog post about that in the future
Thanks for reading 🙂
Thanks for taking your time to read this blog post
I hope that this blog post was useful enough to help you start affiliate marketing on your own
If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment 🙂