Hello and welcome 🙂
In this blog post i am going to talk about the most common mistake people make in affiliate marketing
These are the mistakes that are holding people back from making money in affiliate marketing
I hope that you can learn something from other people’s mistake in this blog post
Promoting a product just for the money

This is a mistake that a lot of people make in affiliate marketing
They promote everything and anything just for the money
Just because the affiliate marketing program pays a lot of money in commission
Does not mean that their products are good and it is a good idea to promote them
You might think promoting affiliate products that pay the most is the best way to make money from affiliate marketing
But that’s wrong
Let’s make an example you have just created a brand new website
And you start promoting products that pay a lot of money
But the products are trash
But you still manage to make a couple of sales and make some good amount of money
But then 2-3 months later
People start to realize that the products/service that you are promoting are pure garbage
And you were only saying good things about the products because you wanted the money
People don’t like being lied to and they might actually start to hate you or at least no longer trust your opinion
And your reputation will be damaged and you have people who dislike/hate you
And yeah having haters when you are successful is inevitable
But this time they have a legitimate reason to actually hate you
Each time you make a blog post or a youtube video promoting a product that you know is pure garbage just for the money
Your words will mean less and people will not trust you
That does not sound like a good long term strategy for success
Now i know that i just made this example at the top of my head
But i think that you get my point
Having a good reputation and being a trustworthy person is a huge part to becoming successful in affiliate marketing
(Unless you are planning on being the sleazy sales guy in the picture)
This is why i only promote products that i either use daily or that i one thousand percent believe in and understand deeply
Only saying positive things

When you are reviewing an affiliate product/service
It is important that you also mention the bad parts about the product
And if there are too many bad parts about the products then maybe you should not promote that product at all
If you are only talking about the good things about the product
Then people will think that you are not being 100% honest and that you are just sleazy salesperson
You should totally talk about the good things about the product
But you should always mention the bad parts
It makes you more honest and people can feel like they can trust you
It is also a lot better if people find out about the bad things about the product in your review
Rather then letting your fans finding out the hard way after they purchased that product
Only promoting affiliate

If you want to have a blog/youtube channel that only posts something is related to your affiliate products
Then fine do whatever you want
But i think that it is a mistake
Because i think that you will make your blog/social media account a lot more interesting if you are posting original content
And then you are also posting affiliate marketing content
I don’t think that people will be interested for long in only your affiliate products
But that is just my personal opinion and the reason why i put this in my list
Not being original

When you are reviewing an affiliate product
It is important that you tell people what this product is exactly and what you personally use it for
And whether or not you think it is a good product and how you think this product can benefit your fans
They don’t want a product description that you copy and pasted from amazon
They can read that product description themselves people are not dumb
They want to hear someone’s opinion about it and an honest review overall about the product
They also don’t want to hear oh yeah this camera is 100 centimeters long and 20 centimeters wide and captures pictures in 240 pixels
Don’t sound like a robot that is reading from a script
Just say this camera is a good size it’s not too big to carry around with you and you can capture great pictures with it
You get my point
And i should not have to say this but there are people out there doing this
Don’t literally copy from other affiliate reviews
I don’t even have to explain that one and if i do may god help you
People can’t find your affiliate link

Maybe you are doing everything else right when it comes to affiliate marketing
But people can’t seem to find your affiliate link
This is something that i think i could work on myself
But you have to make your affiliate link obvious so people can see it
i try my best to make my links look like this
And you can also put links in pictures
Don’t start spamming your affiliate link everywhere in fear of people never seeing it
But just make sure that you have at the beginning of your blog post, in the middle and at the end
I think that is pretty good rule
Your affiliate link does not work

This can happen to anyone
And it is why i recommend doing a checkup at least once a month from your affiliate link
It would suck that a lot of people are clicking on your affiliate link only for it not to work
No one likes losing out on money
So please try your best at maintaining your affiliate link
I know it is pretty boring but it might payoff one day
thanks for reading 🙂
Thanks for taking your time to read this blog post
I hope that you found this blog post useful and that you will be able to avoid these affiliate marketing mistakes in the future
If you have any questions please leave a comment and i will try my best to respond as fast as i can